

We see it as our mission to protect the environment and conserve natural resources in order to preserve them for today's and future generations. Considering and implementing environmental and social corporate responsibility (CR) criteria at our sites as well as along our supply chains - in collaboration with our producers and partners - is, therefore, part of our core business.

In order to uphold and promote internationally accepted social standards along our supply chains, Clama has been a member of the amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) since 2009. We have therefore made the commitment to implement the BSCI Code of Conduct, which entails 11 principles ranging from no child labour to fair remuneration.

Furthermore, we demonstrate our commitment to quality and a sustainable product management through the adherence to independent, internationally recognised standards. This we communicate via labels on our products, such as

  • the EU Organic Logo (DE-ÖKO-012), based on the EU organic regulations,
  • the labels of MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council), GlobalG.A.P. and Dolphin Safe for the product segment fish and seafood,
  • the Fairtrade Logo,
  • the V-Label for vegetarian / vegan products, as well as
  • the label VLOG – Ohne Gentechnik (No Genetic Engineering) (Corn).

Currently, you can find more detailed information on our activities in this field on our German website here. The English page will be launched soon.

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